CENTAUR 3Y CENTAUR 43William H. "Bones" Dawson, CPT Cobra Pilot CENTAUR 15Robert D. Pooch Johnston, WO1 OH-6A Pilot 1968-1969 b. Sinaloa Cartel located 300 meters from the border shoots Rate the camouflage, Is this good camouflage? Also, companies often have the letter they are designated by ('A', 'B', 'C' or 'D') be the first letter of their call sign. Individual movement techniques (IMT). His fire enables the fire team to achieve complementary effects with high trajectory, HE munitions, and flat trajectory ball ammunition from the teams weapons. Platoon Sergeants are 4, wingmen are 2,3: If the 1st Plt leader is This means a 'C' Company could potentially have 'Checkmate' as its call sign. Most appointment titles are no longer used by the British Army, but titles such as "Sunray" and (Sunray) Minor are still used. ShackTac uses a standard array of callsigns for specific types of units or player roles. CENTAUR 37Joseph H. Joe Bridges, CPT UH-1D Slick Pilot 1967-1968 3rd Battalion = Blue. It will only be removed if the unit is completely wiped out, or if all surviving members of a unit merge into another unit. CENTAUR 11Ernest Ernie W. Sanders, CPT OH-23 SEC LDR Apr 1966-Sep 1967 He is prepared to assume the gunners role in any situation. Centaur 41 - Rick Arthur - Aero Weapons/HOGS Pilot/Aircraft Commander CENTAUR 35John Alto, Aerorifle PLT LDR Jan 1966-Feb 1967 I = Item Thanks. Determines his teams combat load and manages its available classes of supply as required. - US Army Techniques Publication, Infantry Platoon and Squad (ATP 3-21.8) Military call signs are call signs assigned as unique identifiers to military communications. Seems like there had to be some official format for assigning call signs; and that it should have been recorded in Flight Opns. Understands the mission two levels up (squad and platoon). CENTAUR 40Bruce A. Powell, CPT Aero Weapons Jul 1968 -Aug 1968 Special Forces squads typically receive the callsign Romeo (for "Recon"), though they can technically have any callsign letter. Deployment ORBATs in UNITAF have callsigns which are assigned by the deployments Field Leader, callsigns come from a pre-approved callsign list. CENTAUR 39William "Bill" Altenhofen, SSG Aerorifles PLT SGT Feb 1967Feb 1968 Thus, only the proper Platoon Leader of Alpha platoon will respond to ALPHA ACTUALandonly the proper Squad Leader of his first squadwill answer to ALPHA 1 ACTUALwhile e.g. During tactical radio communications, from Squad networks and above, names of personnel are never used in communications, callsigns are used instead. If they are on a higher net they would include the Troop callsign before the platoon, so it would be something like "Apache white one" on the squadron net. CENTAUR 65William Jr. M. "Bill" Gold, CPT[?] Once a request for contact is made, the recipient can indicate that they are listening by stating their own callsign, possibly followed by the words "Go ahead" or just "Go". Additionally, the rifleman must . In May 2019, United States Navy announced new procedures for assigning call signs to pilots in training to avoid potentially racist names.[2]. A soldier with the last name of Dude received the call sign of The. He became The Here is an example of a unit similar to ours; seems like we should have some document like this somewhere: It was never clear to me what the "Official" title of the platoons and sections were. I personally would not approve "Conquerer". Be able to engage targets from the prone, kneeling, and standing positions with and without night observation devices, and understands the mission two levels up (squad and platoon). Fight as part of his unit, which includes proficiency in his individual tasks and drills. Requests logistical support from the higher headquarters, and usually coordinates with the companys first sergeant or executive officer. The assistant gunner is the second member of the gun team. The callsign ACTUALis used when the transmitting station wishes to speak to the commander of that callsign. CENTAUR 6Rodolpho (Rubin) Guitierrez, CPT F Troop CDR Jul 1971-Sep 1971 CENTAUR 28Steven J. Zorger, HU-1H AC CDR/"Nighthawk" PIC Dec 1968-Aug 1969 Additional callsigns also exist that are used more rarely, and may or may not have a fixed meaning from mission to mission. This frees up the callsign to be reassigned to Reinforcements, if necessary, though often the reinforcing units receive completely new callsigns. A Team makes contact with the enemy, and I begin to do, what I call, my magic. CENTAUR 5Harold Reid Fisher, CPT Aerorifles PLT CDR/D Troop XO Jan 1967-Dec 1967 The. An individual's callsign (if they even have one) is tied to their role in the mission. SSG William Altenhofen C-39 Feb 67 Feb 68 a 2IC stepping up is never ACTUAL as he is not the proper leader of that callsign! Non-standard callsigns are rarer, and typically reserved for Reinforcements and/or Special Forces. In UNITAF Callsigns are assigned to Platoons or to Companies. - Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks Warrior Leader Skills Level 2, 3, and 4 (STP 21-24-SMCT) First, the PL attempts to know what is happening in present terms of friendly, enemy, neutral, and terrain situations. CENTAUR 10Aubrey D. Dismukes, CPT OH-6A Pilot Oct 1971-Apr 1972 Do note that this implies, that e.g. The call signs of Alpha and Charlie are Assassin and Raptor, and they can be used interchangeably. The call signs: When I was there I inherited C-34 as fourth squad leader. Our written and audio procedures are a combination of the following primary source materials, as well as our own learnings, modifications and adaptations: Nuptial Call Sign 60th Field Artillery Battalion (behind the pole on the left). A Marine Corps aircraft might use a call sign like "Marine Delta November One-Zero-Two" or "Shamrock One-Zero-Two." CENTAUR 6Kermit E. Larson, MAJ F Troop CDR Sept 1972-Feb 1973 Consistent call signs can aid in this monitoring, so in wartime, military units often employ tactical call signs and sometimes change them at regular intervals. Spots rounds and reports recommended corrections to the gunner. In wartime, communications between Divisions, Battalions and Companies had to be done by using so called Call Signs. Classified documents on the F-16 have been leaked on the What in the horrible fresh hell is this ad?!? CENTAUR 24Ralph Sandy Sandmeyer, CW2 Pilot UH-1C Heavy Scouts 1969-1970 I remember being 20 as Light Scout Section Leader, and I believe I kept that call sign the few times I was Gun Platoon leader. 1-59. The team leaders position on the battlefield requires immediacy and accuracy in all of his actions and is a fighting leader who leads by example. Honestly, I don't think I could explain it any better than one of my all-time favorite authors: %3E There are a dozen different ways of delivering Somewhere in between I must have had a different call sign in the twenties. Respond to the NCS issuing a net call (figure 1). Wish I had known him we shared a common callsign at the time. When Centaurs communicated on the radio, they used the word "Centaur" and a number to identiy themselves.Provide your input to Michael Peake (Unit Historian)
, see recent comments - & additional comments: 1966-67, 1968-69, 1970-71, 1972, CENTAUR 3Robert Graham, MAJ UH-1C Pilot & OPS OFF Apr 1966-Feb 1967 Each radio communication starts with the callsign of the intended recipient, followed by the callsign of the sender. Feb 1967- Sept 1968. Uses control measures for direct fire, indirect fire, and tactical movement effectively. wire/mine breach teams. The 9th Infantry Division radioman had to know all the call signs. Special thanks to Jay Weinstein,Claude Berghorn, Frederic Blais and JeffHaines. CENTAUR 3Frank M. Hock, CPT OPS OFF 1972 You can substitute Bravo with Hitman since the call sign of Bravo company in the battallion was Hitman. A lot had to do with how efficiency reports were written and the grade of the position. Be able to engage groups of enemy personnel, thin-skinned vehicles, bunker doors or apertures, and suspected enemy locations with automatic fire. Many are similar to ours but always different. CENTAUR 10James Madison Hamrick, Jr, CPT OH-6A Pilot Jan 1, 1972-Feb 20, 1972 Construct and occupy a hasty firing position and know how to fire from it. CENTAUR 55Jack E. Craig, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Jun 1969-Jun 1970 It was composed of 4 platoons. STABLE BOYWilliam J. I came upon a note where Burgess referred to Ernie Sanders, OH-23 Section leader, as Centaur 11. CENTAUR 57Ray Stanton, CW2 AH-1G Pilot, 1970-71 Rick Williams was C21 in 68. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. During operations, the platoon leader . Enforces field discipline and preventive medicine measures. For all the line formations I was in, on paper: 1st platoon was always red platoon, white second, blue third, and we had a "green" platoon that existed off and on. CENTAUR 25John Evans, 1LT OH-6A Pilot 1969 Controls fires and establishes fire control measures. Military call signs are a rite of passage for many who serve in the Armed Forces. If two or more squads of the same type are present, each squad gets a number suffixed to their callsign, e.g. but "Charlie 1-6, Charlie 5 has traffic for Charlie 1-6 Actual.". CENTAUR 3William V. Chiaramonte, CPT OPS OFF & AH-1G PLT LDR Dec 1968-Dec 1969 CENTAUR 66 -- CENTAUR 25?Mark Vedder Schmidt, WO1 UH-1C Gun Pilot 10 Feb 1967-27 Dec 1967 It has all kinds of information, but doesnt list call signs. In the report above we also see Omaha. Is responsible for putting the gun in and out of action. An infantryman acts as an assistant gunner and feeds rounds through a M240B machine gun, while the gunner fires the weapon. When Centaurs communicated on the radio, they used the word "Centaur" and a number to identiy themselves. Military Life One of the honors associated with achieving a certain rank or position in the military is the replacement of your actual name with a call sign. CENTAUR 24James R. Rick Arthur, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Mar 1967-Mar 1968 CENTAUR 53Kenneth R. Hundt, CW2 AH-1G Pilot 1972 The weapon section was by MTOE a separate section. Tactical call signs are often assigned to a company sized unit or higher. 34th Field Artillery Battalion: Normal A rifleman may be assigned as the squad-designated marksman. When attached to a rifle squad, is the subject matter expert for employment of the medium machine gun, and advises the rifle squad leader of best way to employ the medium machine gun. - Leadership Development (FM 6-22) The white and yellow tail markings designated the platoon so the troops would have an easy way to It has always been very confusing, both the Call Signs and the Section and Platoon names. Tactical voice communications ("combat net radio") use a system of call signs of the form letter-digit-digit. During operations, the gunner . Within a standard infantry battalion these characters represent companies, platoons and sections respectively, so that 3 Section, 1 Platoon of B Company might be F13. Other leaders must be sensitive to his decision on movement. CENTAUR 6James M. "Col. Pete" Peterson, MAJ D Troop CDR Apr 1966-Mar 1967 "HMG One" and "HMG Two". This page generated 0.94MB in 0.0287 seconds. Centaur 40 - Charlie 'Chuck' Johnson - Aero Weapons/HOGS Section Leader - Nov '67/May '68 CENTAUR 39James W. Jim Filiatreault, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot Mar 1968-Mar 1969 Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division participate in Squad Designated Marksman training, focused on engaging targets with the M4 rifle beyond 300 meters. "Checkmate 6" is the Company Commander and "Checkmate 6 Romeo" is the commander's radio-telephone operator (Romeo the NATO phonetic of the letter R). Have the frequencies and call signs on his person in a location known to all Soldiers in the platoon. CENTAUR 40Roman Millett, CPT Gun/Scout PLT LDR, & XO Jan 1970-Dec 1970 ALPHA ACTUAL), but in the case where all callsigns on a frequency are of the same callsign, ACTUAL can be used independently.Hence, only the proper leader of the callsign will answer toACTUAL, whereasa radio-telephone operator (or other designee) will answer to the callsign itself (without the "Actual" appended) as a matter of routine. CENTAUR 31John Mackey, CPT Cobra Pilot Gun PLT LDR 1972 One = 1st Platoon Leads the platoon in supporting the higher headquarters missions. Powell to Fleming His expertise includes tactical maneuver, employment of weapons and systems, sustainment, administration, security, accountability, protection warfighting functions, and Soldier care. This centralized authority enables him to maintain unit discipline, unity, and to act decisively. When he made Major and DROSed, Billy Vinson moved to Flt Opns, Harold Fisher moved to XO Bill Wilde moved to Aero Rifle C-30 and I moved to CDR. 40 always seemed to be the Section Leader of the Hogs, so I had assumed the Baby Scout leader was 10. As explained earlier Brevity in communications is important and so using your full callsign on every transmission can be time consuming. Should the individual die, their position may be inherited by someone else, at which point the callsign will transfer to the new individual along with the position. The squad will always identify itself by the full callsign, including the main callsign and number. ACTUAL is used as the trasmittor is trying to speak to the commander proper. During operations, the team leader , 1-57. Once a unit has a Callsign assigned to it, it will keep that callsign until the entire unit is wiped out or merged into another unit. Any group of players, group of groups, or. Close with and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat. Is the subject matter expert for all the teams weapons and duty positions and all squad battle drills. S-4 = Logistics 60th Field Artillery Battalion: Nuptial CENTAUR 31B AP Tactical call signs are often assigned to a company sized unit or higher. CENTAUR 13Thomas J. At that time the Gun Platoon to me was just the "Gun Platoon" with Light Scouts (with their little OH-23 attachment) and Heavy Scouts (Hogs). . Stan Allen (6Jan2017): During 1969 and 70 Mr. Zorger's call sign was C-28 . Occasionally, a "Sierra", "Mike", or "Tango" vehicle group can be split even further, in which case the first number indicates which specific group the vehicle belongs to, while a second number indicates the vehicles position within that group. CENTAUR 13John S. Scottie Hill, CW2 OH-6A LDR Nov 1972-Jan 197 CENTAUR 36Harold Reid Fisher, CPT Aerorifles PLT CDR/D Troop XO Jan 1967-Dec 1967 The aircraft with the number "One" typically has some extra responsibility and authority to manage other aircraft of the same callsign, though this can easily change according to the situation. CENTAUR 6AFate Jim Hutchins, Jr., CW2 Cmd & Control Pilot Jul 1972-Mar 1973 Is there Russias unusual "Spyder" laser devices fall into His favorite flavor of Crayola will color his wings Press J to jump to the feed. CENTAUR 36Clarence C "Buck" Buxton, 1LT UH-1D Pilot Feb 1967-Aug 1967 Words that sound like they end more abruptly are much better for real world use, such as "Backstop" "Tombstone" "Roman". So, we know that Six or 6 is the commander of a unit. CENTAUR 37 AP https://9thinfantrydivision.net/9th-infantry-division-history/ The weapons squad leader is usually the senior squad leader, second only to the platoon sergeant, and performs all the duties of the rifle squad leader. Understand the mission two levels up (squad and platoon). M = Mike. Stable Boy - Tom Fleming - Maintenance/Aircraft Recovery Assists the platoon leader and platoon sergeant employing digital mission command systems with the squads and platoon. CENTAUR 50Jeffery T. "Jeff" Griffin, CW2 AH-1G Pilot 1971-1972 CENTAUR 50Thomas William Olsson, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 69-Oct 1970 Players with a specific, unique role, such as leaders or specialists. Keirsey to Harrison Holmes 4 Nov 2020 Tom Meeks who shared the Centaur 27 callsign was a close friend of mine when I worked at FT Lewis. CENTAUR 38Michael R. Banks, CW2 UH-1D Slick Pilot Jul 1966-Jul 1967 Callsigns are typicallyassigned to a platoon sized unit or higher. This is a good start for me in getting it sorted out in my head. 1st Sqd was 31. Fleming to Peake 7 Nov 2020 Mike you could add "Stable Boy" CPT Tom Fleming Service Platoon. CENTAUR 54Robert C. "Bob" Jones, CW2, AH-1G Pilot Jun 1971-Mar 1972 CENTAUR 18Michael "Mike" Holder, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Dec 1969-Jun 1970 Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Airborne infantry units I've been with have never really had the need to use 'actual' because we were almost never in trucks. What was Billy Vinsons position? Tube Artillery on to the Grids (pre determined). CENTAUR 12Peter Holmberg, 1LT OH-6A Pilot Feb 1972-Sep 1972 Second, he knows the end state representing mission accomplishment. For example, if a FAC is killed, whoever assumes that role can be addressed as "FAC" and may refer to themselves as "FAC" - at least when speaking on Air Net. CENTAUR 18Roger Blaha, 1st L OH-6A Pilot 1971-1972 The use of standard callsigns allows most players to immediately identify the type of unit by its callsign regardless of any other variables of the mission. Note that on Infantry Squad 343 channels, individual player nicknames can be used more freely than on any other radio net. CENTAUR 46Hugh "Sandy" McLeod, 1LT AH-1G Pilot/ARM OFF Jul 1970-Jul 1971 1-58. b. 2nd was 32, 3rd was 33. The more effective the enemys fire, the lower the level of movement. In some cases, the lettering jumps all the way forward to "Kilo" and "Lima", and there is no indication that further letters down the alphabet cannot be used (so long as they are not standardized letters typically assigned to vehicles, such as "Mike", "Sierra", etc). Is the subject matter expert for information contained in (FM 3-22.68). A = Able CENTAUR 44Charles "Charlie" Johnson, 1LT UH-1C Pilot/Aero Weapons Jun 1967-Jul 1968 Employs mission command systems available to the squad and platoon. I always thought that the OH-23 Section didn't have a name, other than "Ash and Trash" and "Taxi Service" branch of the Light Scout Section. The platoon leader works to develop and maintain situational understanding (SU). CENTAUR 11Stephen R. Pullen,1972-1973 CENTAUR 13?Harlan Gray Sparrow III, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Apr 1971-Apr 1972 Communicates timely and accurate situation reports (SITREP) and status reports, including . A callsign represents a military unit or it's function in it's entireity, and not any specific person in that callsign. This is not the official reason, only for you to remember the battalions better! Places himself where he is most needed to accomplish the mission. When then-president George W. Bush, a former Air National Guard fighter pilot, was flown to the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in a Navy S-3B Viking, it was the first use of the "Navy One" call sign. Determine the abbreviated call sign and answering sequence for your duty position. I might have been C24, and Doc Halliday was C23. Examples might be "November Lima Two-Zero-One" or "Navy November Lima Two-Zero-One." E = Easy The PL is 1, senior scout (alpha section SGT) is 2, most junior TC is 3, PSG is 4, bravo section Sgt Navy and Marine Corps aircraft will typically use a stateside naming convention based on the aircraft tail code, identifying the squadron or air wing assigned, and a three digit number painted on the aircraft's nose known as the MODEX. G = George These reflect the Russian/Soviet character of the player force. Pat Eastes Jan 2014: for years I thought that when I was in heavy scouts that I was C21, but that was evidently Rick Williams. The grenadier . All components of the Ninth Division were given code names that started with the letter N. It gets confusing I know. The USAF also uses semi-fixed identifiers consisting of a name followed by a two or three digit number. CENTAUR 28Dennis Mike Hogan, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot 1972-1973 Is the subject matter expert (SME) on all battle and individual drills? Jones to Peake Additionally, Lt. Marty Jenkins was Centaur 14 just before I came to the unit. In peacetime, some military stations will use fixed call signs in the international series. Typically, the second-in-command will be 8, forward air controllers, observers or medics can be 7, 6 and so on. CENTAUR 23Jeff D. Halliday, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Jun 1967-Jul 1968 CDR Feb 1968-Feb 1969 Able = Company A Another Notorious (9th Infantry Division) sign in Normandy, June 1944. CENTAUR 14Martin Marty Jenkins, CPT OH-6A Pilot Jan 1969-Apr 1969 The largest military subreddit on reddit. Security plans. Centaur ** - Pat 'Joaquin' Eastes - Heavy Scouts/Mini-Guns Pilot/Aircraft Commander CENTAUR 24Ronald D. Holmes, 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot 1972-1973 CENTAUR 25Thomas Tom Meeks, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 1967-Oct 1968 A grenadier with 1st Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, Task Force Bulldog, scans a nearby ridgeline after returning fire against an enemy sniper from a mountaintop observation post in eastern Afghanistan's Kunar Province. CENTAUR 32 AP Fixed call signs for the United States Air Force stations begin with A, such as AIR, used by USAF Headquarters. even when only one platoon is present. When I went to hogs, I was C43. Understands the mission and commanders intent two levels up (platoon and company). Military communications are conducted from callsign to callsign. He has authority over his subordinates and overall responsibility of those subordinates actions. WebAppointment Titles. The leader sufficiently weighs the main effort for each mission (for example, machine guns and antiarmor weapons) to ensure success. Centralized authority enables him to act decisively while maintaining troop discipline and unity. Within a standard infantry battalion these characters represent companies, platoons and sections respectively, so that 3 Section, 1 Platoon of B Company might be F13. Jim Moore, KIA March 68, was C20. He bases his actions on his assigned mission and intent and concept of his higher commanders. CENTAUR 3Richard P. Timmermeyer, CPT 1968-1969, OPS OFF Feb 68Aug 68 Send a message. CENTAUR 3A-Ken Wiegand, Dec 1970-May 1971 Dow and Mosenthal can give us that of the Aerorifle Platoon. CENTAUR 4Clarence C "Buck" Buxton, 1LT SER/MNT PLT LDR STABLE BOY Aug 1967-Feb 1968 CENTAUR 25Robert W. Yaap, CPT AH-1G Pilot/Unit Property OFF 1972- 1973 Was our unit unique? CENTAUR 17John Thomas, Jr, CW2 OH-6A Pilot 1968-1969 CP and OP locations. Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Do not interrupt any ongoing communications. CENTAUR 16Wesley Franklin Frank Walker, 1LT OH-6A Pilot 1972 Selects the fire teams general location and temporary sector of fires in the defense. Crank the extraction helicopters and the Pink Teams (Cobra & LOH-6). The battalions were made up of companies: 1st Battalion: Red = 1st Battalion Safe Side", https://www.army.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-11/northern_ireland_operational_aide_memoire_1978_0.pdf#page=21, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Military_call_sign&oldid=1093180135. , I was there I inherited C-34 as fourth squad leader tied to their,. Coordinates with the last name of Dude received the call sign and answering sequence for your duty position they the. A name followed by a two or three digit number and JeffHaines, if necessary though! 1-58. b `` November Lima Two-Zero-One. groups of enemy personnel, thin-skinned vehicles, bunker doors or,. 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